Welcome to the New Year!! Did you make any resolutions? Me...? Not so much. The traditional resolutions of losing weight and getting fit aren't my cup of tea. If you're into that, more power to you! I'll sit back munching on my Krispy Kreme donut and chugging a chai latte, while cheering you on...I'm a giver that way. I did, however, resolve to accomplish a couple of things intended to spark my creative growth and I feel if I share them with you, then the fear of public humiliation by not attaining them might keep me focused. Self-preservation is a powerful motivator!
So, what's on my list of Creative Evolution Resolutions for 2010? Here goes...
1. Don't get hung up on the details. I have a problem. A problem of such magnitude, a 12-step program would only begin to touch on the idiosyncrasies associated with it. I let myself drown in details. Maybe I'm a touch OCD or ADD or both, but I agonize over every detail of a project...the color palette, the paper, the layout, the images, the embellishments, etc...and the list goes on and on. I envision myself one day sitting down to work on a project, not plagued by the Detail Dragon. In my fantasy, I will be adorned in a fairytale princess gown, the birds will sing and small forest creatures will come to my aid to tie a bow or add glitter to my ethereal artsy creation. It will be a project filled with so much beauty, mere mortals will weep when they see it....oh wait...I started to drift off. Sorry. Umm...bottom line on this resolution is to enjoy the organic process associated with creating something and not let my pretend mythical reptile, The Detail Dragon, get the better of me.
2. Join a Design Team. I've been patiently waiting...sitting here, creating my little cards, wondering when my Design Team Prince Charming will knock on my door and promise me a life of stamping fame and fortune. What's that, you say? That's not how it works? I have to do the work myself and apply to be on a team, risking the embarrassment of rejection and a punch in the gut to my fragile ego? Well, out of my way, let's get this show on the road...LOL!!
3. Get published! See #2!
4. Take a Copic Certification Class I have invested heavily in Copics with my marker inventory sitting at about 100. Those of you who have purchased these markers before, know that is a wad of cash. I still have 244 colors to go and I intend to get them all! It's a good thing I don't have kids to send to college, because I would hate to have to drag them into my craft room after high school graduation and explain to them that their college education is sitting in little cups on my desk. "But Junior, look at all the colors, aren't they pretty...now go get ready for your job at McBurger Palace, because mommy squandered your tuition and ruined your chances for a better future." Anyway, now that my marker inventory is booming, it's time to learn how to use them properly. I know I have access to an endless supply of information on the Internet and I use it, trust me, but I really, really, really want that little "Copic Certified" badge to put on my blog! Talk about pretty!
These are the only 4 goals I have set for myself this year. Let's see how I do ;D
As you read through my Creativity Evolution Resolutions for 2010, you might have noticed that I didn't list anything about starting projects earlier or meeting deadlines. My loyal blog followers know this is a problem for me. Heck, I started this post on January 4th, it's been over a week and I am just now finishing it...this is a prime example. HOWEVER, I am a firm believer that whatever you do, do it right (or at least make it interesting). I have used this line before and will use it many times to come I am sure...I put the "pro" in procrastination. I have come to terms with that fact...it makes me who I am and that's ok and besides, I am good at it...really good! An unknown author once said "The sooner I fall behind, the more time I have to catch up". I like it! It might just be my new mantra. Thanks for sticking with me through this long post. See you with another post in a couple of days...maybe...if I get around to it... ;D