Hello! It's time to feature Mom's cards. So many of you have shared with me that you love seeing Mom's cards on my blog and I love sharing them with you. One of these days we might just get Mom set up with her own blog, but until then I'll keep showcasing them here one day each week. The days might move around, so check back frequently and watch for them.
Mom and I loooooove Halloween! It's probably our favorite cardmaking holiday. When I receive Halloween cards from Mom in the mail, it's not just one that arrives, but a whole package of 4 or 5! She is a crafty lady and I am so lucky to receive this little parcels of her creativeness on a regular basis.
I've pulled 4 Halloween themed cards for you today. The first has a vintage feel. I love the lace that borders the left-hand edge of the card. Mom and I get a real kick out this one, because it looks like Mr. Pumpkin is looking down the young damsels dress and really enjoying himself! Look at that grin...lol!!
The second card features an adorable stamp by Hero Arts called Witch Bird. I love the background paper on this and all of the fab elements Mom has added to give Witch Bird some added pizazz.
The third and fourth cards feature ferocious felines. Okay, maybe not so much ferocious...haha! I love the "Here kitty, kitty..." word stamp that ties these two together. Being a cat owner or rather being a staff member in a feline run house, I can really appreciate this sentiment. Looks like Titus took the "Here kitty, kitty..." to heart and decided to hijack the photo session. I wish I could get some good pictures of this fellow, but he is constantly on the move and doesn't sit still even for a second. He is growing fast and rambunctious doesn't even begin to describe his antics at this point. AND...the little devil has a bit of a paper fetish like his human mama ;D If I even leave a Post It note laying about within his reach, and let's face it, he's a kitten, so everything is within his reach, he grabs it in his mouth and tears through the house like he is holding the Treasure of the Sierra Madre! Yep, it's funny now, but there will be bloodshed if he gets his kitten mits on my good stuff ;D Okay, I'm a lot of bark and no bite, one look at that handsome face will melt my heart, so maybe not bloodshed, but I might let loose with a few tears :)
I'm not sure if I'll have anything for you tomorrow or Saturday, but rest assured I will have 3 cards (yep, three!) featuring brand new images from the Rock Squad by Kenny K on Sunday, so be sure to come back!!! Until then, have a fantabulous weekend!