Friday, October 21, 2011

A card and a new video tutorial!

Hey, everybody!  I'm just popping in super quick to share a new video tutorial I put together for the Color Me Copic Club the other night and a look at the card I created using the image.

In my video, I didn't focus on a particular technique.  Instead I opted to make the predominant color families my focal point, those being red and green.  The image I used is called Santa by Kenny K and it's available at Kenny K Downloads if you want to take a closer look ;D  His stuff is soooo dang cool and makes for a perfect pairing with the Copics.   

Okay, I have to confess, I had a good time coloring the image, of course, but shooting the video was HARD!  First of all, I don't know if you've noticed (of course you've noticed), but I'm a bit of a chatty Cathy.  No offense to any "Cathy's" out!  I do like to ramble on and it's never been more apparent than in this video.  I needed to keep it under 15 minutes and I clocked in at 21minutes...YIKES!  How was I going to slash 6 minutes?  In a stroke of brilliance, or maybe just a case of indigestion, I decided that I would fast forward through a couple of parts.  Yep, you guessed's a little awkward and the transitions are not very smooth.  Plus, I added text to these sections explaining that I was fast forwarding except that I stated..."This portion of the video has been sped up".  Sped up?  I'm not even using that phrase correctly.  What's the matter with me?  Did I experience a bit of grammar amnesia, or what I like to call Gramnesia?  Ugh!

Onto horrible offense number 2.  You probably won't have to look too closely to see that my nails look atrocious and not only that...I have a huge hang nail on my thumb.  Gross!  How unkempt you must think I am.  Freddie Krueger has a better manicure than I do!  Wonder where he gets his nails done.

And, last but certainly not least, horrible offense number 3.  During my last video, which was my first, my lovely husband pointed out to me that my "crutch" word is "so".  It's my awkward silence filler.  Other folks prefer "and" or "um", but I like "so".  I do it unconsciously, not even realizing it until he pointed it out to me.  Now, I hear it and it is literally like nails on a chalkboard to my ears.  I thought that I could get it under control for this video, but alas, I did not.  College campuses across the nation will be using it as their newest drinking game.  Drink a shot every time Cheryl says "so".  They'll be face down on the floor after only 3 minutes in, but hey, I'll be famous, right?!  I've got a LOT to learn still, but I love a challenge and eventually I'll make a decent video.  Maybe I'll contact Scorsese for some pointers.  He does that sort of thing for newbies, right?  

Here's a link to my video.  Again, be gentle ;)


  1. Such stunning card. It looks wonderful. You are a star, with or without so... :)
    Love n hugs

  2. Thanks Cheryl! This is awesome and so clear! Even a foreigner like me can understand it!I will try your tips and techniques,maybe I will use my copics more now!

  3. Great colouring Cheryl and Awesome card. TFS,

  4. great and fabulous card sheryl.

    greetings karin

  5. Gosh, Cheryl, your coloring is stunning. Beautiful card. I just love this image of Santa. Awesome tutorial too. I would be able to chat and color at the same time. Great job! TFS..

  6. Where in the world did you get your lovely sense of humor! Hee Hee
    I want you to know I love this "so" dang cute card...just pop it in the mail, and make your Mother a happy woman!
    Hugs, Mom

  7. Sooooooooooooo Cheryl, you've created another wonderful card and video, although I was surprised at the red combo, I thought you would have used the R35,R37 and R39 combo, but your combo works too. Love your card though hun.
    Donna xx

  8. Beautiful card Cheryl!! Am I on your Christmas Card list?? jk

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. i love how Santa turned out Cheryl!

  11. I've been searching around for some good company blogs and this is one of the best articles I have found. So thanks and I hope you do an update on this subject.
    by pR

  12. Fabulous tutorial and video !
    You card is beautiful !
    Hugs from Paris

  13. Wow! Love the card & loved loved loved your coloring video! Great job! And I only heard you say "so" once at the very end. LOL Thoroughly enjoyed watching your color (wish we could speed it up IRL...LOL).
    Thanks a bunch!

    I recently joined the Outlawz & have become your newest follower. I would love for you to visit my blog Sharrahug’s Sweet Blessings
    Have a wonderful day!
    Huggies ~

  14. I LOVE your delivery ! You sounds relaxed, friendly and natural- just as I imagined you from your blog posts!
    Your colouring is beautiful sweetie!!
    Take no notice of hubby- he's talking out of his chef's hat LOL!!!

  15. Didn't pay any attention to your nails but the tutorial was awesome! Thanks for sharing your expertise!


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